Infinitive Splitting

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This is a brief description of the service ...

Off The Pig !

You want to split an infinitive? - maybe for emphasis, maybe just for fun - but years of social training are holding you back?

FlyingPigSoft has taken the shame out of splitting Infinitives. We have a whole selection of pre-split Infinitives ready for your instant use. We've taken the mess, gore and embarrassment from the task and provided you with a choice of thousands to select from - Shrink-wrapped fresh - to boldly use as you see fit.

Custom !

Your own personal choice of Infinitives can be Split too - While-You-Wait - if our Off-The-Pig service doesn't have exactly what you are looking for.

 'Where other may decline, we'll still split'.

Key Benefits

A 'FlyingPigSoft-Split-That-One, Not-Me' certificate with every purchase.
Thousands to choose from 'Off-The-Pig'!
'Off-The-Pig' or 'Custom' services to fit your specific needs.
Good rates !