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FlyingPigSoft's Software Products can be tailored to your exact needs at remarkably competitive prices. There's some exhilarating  Hardware Products here now! 

And for dull days : Using  Visual Basic and standard Microsoft Office components, FlyingPigSoft can write software to meet your needs - large or small, for home or work and take much tedium from your life!  If the sun is out we are liable to stray into the world for a more rewarding life. Well, if the reward was right we might be convinced ...

Hardware - Paddles etc. (Vital tools for surviving the unexpected)

FlyingPigSoft has some key hide-saving products here. Not to be missed!

Office Automation with 'Office Flies'(for Word, Excel, Access etc)
Word processors, Spreadsheets are dumb and dull. They don't know what you really want to do with them. FlyingPigsoft has a long history of establishing what users really want to DO with these products and then make the software do the real work for you too!
Database TimeLines (For Access, Excel, etc.)

No longer pour over line after line of dull data! Let FlyingPigSoft's TimeLines allow you to view and interactively modify dull data - brought to life by interactive graphical displays of the data.

Personal Web Site Design (And we do mean 'Personal'!)

Everybody should have a Web Presence - yes, we mean you too! 

We listen to what you want to say, with 'what', and advise on how we might do it, with style, and then do it - Leave us to design your web site - FlyingPigSoft will do all the hard work for you!