Space - The Final Font's Here

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Our Image Processing Software - The Background

The Hubble Space Telescope has already provided astonishing pictures from outer space, allowing scientists to look further, and further back in time, than ever before. NASA scientists deploy an armory of advanced techniques to explore the very edges of the universe, resolving information far beyond mankind's previous knowledge and understanding of the universe. With Hubble they should be able to look back to within just seconds after 'creation' itself - that is, if the 'Big Bang' theory is correct.

Dark Matter

With the power of Hubble there has been an expectation that this- one of the great scientific theories - could at last be confirmed. For the 'Big Bang' theory to work, for all the mass of the universe currently accounted for, there must be around tens times as much 'Dark Matter' yet to be 'located'. Hubble has now been used to explore the outer edges of the universe for proof of this 'Dark Matter'. 

The results, crucially improved by our own superior Image Enhancement Technologies, have now been  analysed and the results published:


On the very outer reaches of the universe, objects previously resolved only as 'blurs' were examined by our software - as these 'blurs' were suspected to be able to provide the proof of 'Dark Matter'.
Our Image Enhancement Software was run to its limits on this data.
The improvements in resulting resolution provided an astounding order-of-magnitude improvement in detail resolution.
Once enhanced, the 'blurs' proved to be distinct and to be partly emitting within the visible spectrum.
The result for each sector scan proved astonishing enough. 
When several scans of overlapping sectors of this far, far distant space were combined, the results were unmistakable - Giant letters hanging in space forming the clear message 'This Space Intentionally Left Blank'.


We suggest Scientists check their sums or get looking somewhere nearer to home for their 'Dark Matter'.